Isn't Jesus beautiful and wonderful and loving and oh so much more???! And He is such a Gentleman too! He doesn't intrude, he doesn't force us to do anything and he doesn't budge into our lives UNLESS we GIVE HIM PERMISSION. Thats how much He loves us and DESIRES A RELATIONSHIP with us. He desires us to be ONE with him so much that we just walk with HIm and in Him we 'Live in Him; Move in Him and have our entire Being in HIM (Acts 17:28! Wow! Thankyou Lord!
So in a previous post ( over the Christmas period, I had shared the word the Lord was speaking so strong about "BEING BORN AGAIN IN US!" He spoke through Revelation 3:20 ( to our family as His message to us for that Christmas period. And though that is a verse that many may be familiar with, and one I myself has read a few times, somehow it just seemed different when the Lord spoke it for that Christmas period. It seemed to literally COME ALIVE! It seemed to SPEAK a message of its own! It seemed to OPEN UP in layers and like an onion it just came apart layer by layer deeper and deeper!
I truly believe that the Lord was speaking this message for ALL of us in this season and in this new year that we have just entered into.
So you know how I mentioned in my previous blog post about 'Yeshua being BORN again ' in our Hearts', well this is exactly what He is doing in this season. And I believe so strongly that now more than ever, He is looking for 'room' to be BORN again in us! Just like when Mary and Joseph went in search of a place to stay that night when the savior would be born, I am sure that they knocked on doors to find out if there was indeed any room available for them to stay the night. But as the story goes, we read (Luke 2) that 'there was no room for them in the inn' so the baby Jesus, our Savior was born in a manger. Likewise, our Lord is today, at this very second, day and hour, standing at 'DOORS of HEARTS and knocking', seeing if there is ANY room available for HIM to come in and be BORN AGAIN in our hearts. He is not just standing at one door of our hearts and lives, but ALL doors of every area of our hearts and lives! Standing and KNOCKING! He is SEARCHING for a place to COME IN! COME IN AND BE BORN again - not as a baby, but TO DINE WITH US ON THE KINGS TABLE THAT HE HAS SPREAD FOR US! And how sad it would be when he finds a response or a sign on those doors that says: "SORRY NO ROOM AVAILABLE" or "ALL ROOMS ARE OCCUPIED".
See guys, the Lord is looking, searching, knocking! He is knocking on doors of our hearts! Not just one door of our hearts, but ALL the doors of our hearts! ALL the areas of our hearts! He is standing and knocking, knocking, knocking. Perhaps there are parts/rooms in our hearts that are filled up with stuff, with our own stuff, filled up that we literally have NO room to answer the Knock of the Lord and let Him in. Or perhaps we have opened ONE door to a room or rooms in our hearts but kept others shut and filled up with our own stuff. Or maybe we have heard the knock and the still small voice of the Lord and opened the doors only 'half-way' to meet him outside instead of 'WILLFULLY INVITING HIM TO COME INSIDE AND DINE WITH YOU'. Or maybe we have heard the knock and that voice of the Lord but CHOSEN to ignore it and are comfortable keeping our room doors closed. Whatever it is and whichever place we are all at, just know this one thing: That JESUS LOVES us so much that HE WON"T EVER LEAVE! He will continue to knock, and trust me, you WILL eventually answer and open those DOORS WIDE and let HIM IN to DINE with you!
Jesus was born in a manger. Now I don't know what that looked like back in the day but if it was anything like our animal dwelling, than all I can say is that our Savior Jesus came to this Earth for you and I in the most HUMBLE way ever. He wasn't birthed in a 5 star hotel or perhaps not even in a decent place, I don't know. All we do know is that the King of Glory was born, wrapped in swaddling clothes and than placed in a nice warm bassinet? NO! He was placed in a 'feeding trough' - an animal feeding trough , where animals feed. WOW! Imagine that people. The King of Glory, in a 'feeding trough'.
So what does this tell us? That Christs birth was one of great humility for all mankind. In like manner, when Christ stands knocking at the door(s) of our hearts, those who OPEN the door(s) wide and allow him in are those who likewise are at a place of surrender and humility. HUMILITY is the KEY! We can only truly OPEN the doors of our hearts when we are in a place of utmost humility - when we bring ourselves low and surrender our all. When we say 'enough of me' , Lord I NEED ALL OF YOU. Humility is the Key that we must have to open the DOOR to the Beloved who is Standing and Knocking. We are that key when we ourselves are Humble! And just as Christ was born and wrapped and laid in the manger, representing a posture of Humility, so it is when we in that place of Humility open the doors to Christ and allow him to come in. Jesus is searching for hearts of humility, hearts that are Humble. Will this be you?
When we open the door(s) to Jesus, He comes in and dines with us. This is Him being 'born again' in us. Its not referring to him being 'born' in the flesh as a baby, but rather a 'BIRTH of something NEW'. When we open the door and allow Christ in, he comes to 'eat/sup/dine' with us! Well what are we eating you ask? Simple - 'A FEAST SPREAD BY THE KING HIMSELF!" WOW! Here's the picture: Jesus is knocking on the door right. So then you open the door and guess what, Jesus is standing there with a whole picnic basket of goodies - yummies that you have never eaten before! All the delicious appetizers, entrees and desserts! Then He comes IN, prepares the table for you both and SPREADS THE FEAST of a KING! and YOU BOTH GET TO DINE together! Isn't that crazy AWESOME???! Think about it. This is food straight from the KINGS TABLE! Which means it is food that you have never tasted before! And by food I mean the WORD (Mathew 4:4! The WORD OF GOD! The WORD is food! And the REVELATION of the WORD is the Feasting on it! Wowww! See guys, really all the Lord wants is for us to OPEN the door - He brings everything else and then we EAT of his finest spread!
He brought this revelation to me in such a beautiful way. When we open the door to Jesus, he is not just standing there alone, but with a whole entourage of his Kingdom! And with a spread of FEAST straight from the KINGS HOUSE!
So what's stopping you then from opening the door(s)? He is ready to COME! He is just waiting for you to open the door. Once you do that, the rest is up to Him. And trust me, you won't be disappointed because JESUS never disappoints.
Stay tuned for more on the 'DOOR' from Revelation 3:20
Be Blessed ya'll.