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As the festive season of Christmas is lurking around the corner and many are busy gearing up for the holidays, one thing stands out - What's in Christmas for me?

I read a quote last night, by an 11 year old girl from the Middle East who said, "We ask Jesus to be born again in our heart."

This struck me deep. Think about it. As people all over the world gather during this festive season to celebrate Christmas, people also gather to celebrate Christ and His birth. But when do we ever sit and think that at a time like this, Jesus should be born again in our heart? As I thought about it, the Lord reminded me of His word and how when Jesus was born, he came into this world in the most lowliest way, in a manger, maybe surrounded by animals, a filthy smelly place maybe. It was everything but Royal for a king to be born in this way right? Yet, this was Royalty in all splendor and glory. Yahweh showed us through the birth of his son that really, Humility is the key, the foundation, the bedrock, the cornerstone. And Humility is Jesus in every sense of the word!

SO what does this mean for us? Simple - your Heart must be a place of Humility, so God can birth forth his son again in you and through you. Just like when Jesus was physically born in that lowliest place, so must our Hearts be for him to be born again in us.

Let me tie this in to what the Lord spoke to me this morning when He so clearly said:

"I AM LOOKING FOR MARY'S". Ok Lord so what are you saying in this? (my response) Then He enlightened the 'eyes of my understanding' and brought me into the realization of His Words.

He is looking/searching for 'Mary's' to carry His SEED/WORDS within their spirit wombs and BIRTH them forth! So what does this look like you say? Well the Lord brought me back to the story of Mary in Luke 1:28-38 Mary is truly a beautiful picture of many things - humility, devotion, love, purity, affection, care, nurture, strength, etc. In a nutshell there are some great attributes of Mary that are what Yahweh is looking for in this season. In fact two greater parts of the character of Mary were highlighted to me by the Lord:

  1. Mary was willing to carry the WORD/SEED of Yahweh in her womb;

  2. Mary BIRTHED forth the WORD/JESUS;

Be a Mary that can be trusted with the WORD and carry it.

So in this season, the Lord is looking for those whom he can TRUST with His WORD. Those who like Mary can receive the WORD of Yahweh and respond - "Be it unto me according to thy word" (Luke 1:38).

What is the WORD you ask? Well simple answer - 'Anything that Yahweh has SPOKEN to you, whether a Promise, a scripture/verse, a Vision, a Dream, anything that you believe YAHWEH has spoken to you - HIS SPOKEN WORD, that you are STANDING on and BELIEVING IN, this is the WORD! This is the SEED! This in essence is a part of Yahweh himself that he imparts into you and when you RECIEVE it, it is housed in your spirit womb. Just like when the angel Gabriel visited Mary and spoke the Words of Yahweh to her, she RECEIVED the word and became pregnant with the WORD/SEED/JESUS.

Similarly, when Yahweh speaks a Word to you and you receive that word with all your heart, then guess what, that word literally is like a seed that is placed in your spirit womb! When you BELIEVE the WORD that has been spoken to you by Yahweh, it is nurtured and grown within you and then YOU get to BIRTH it forth as WORD BECOME FLESH! Just like Mary did.

Be a Mary that can BIRTH forth the WORD

Once you receive the WORD of Yahweh that He has spoken to you (however he speaks), you must BELIEVE it wholeheartedly! Mary trusted the WORD of the Lord spoken by the angel. She yielded to it even though she may not have fully understood what it entailed (Luke 1:34). These are the Mary's that Yahweh is looking for in this season. Those who can Receive HIS WORDS; BELIEVE HIS WORDS; and BIRTH HIS WORDS! Believing his words is like 'caring for and nurturing this baby/seed/the word within the spirit womb.

Then he will lead you when the time is right and you will just know it is time for the WORD to be BIRTHED forth by you from your spirit womb. Just like how a momma knows when her baby is about to be born at the end of the pregnancy so you will just KNOW (by the unctioning of the Holy Spirit) that it is time to BIRTH forth. And just like how Mary birthed Jesus - the WORD became FLESH (John 1:14), so we too when we BIRTH forth the WORD of Yahweh, this WORD becomes flesh and literally has to manifest in a tangible way in the physical realm.

In crazy ways, we get to BIRTH forth 'Jesus'/WORD into existence because THE WORD is GOD and if He speaks HIS WORD into you then He is speaking HIMSELF into YOU!!!!

How to Birth the Word?

You may be saying this is great and all by how do I birth something spiritual that is in my spirit womb into the natural tangible realm? One simple answer: THE LORD WILL SHOW YOU HOW. For me, He has led me to often times 'SPEAK IT FORTH' or 'DECLARE THE WORD/SEED' at the time for birthing as a 'sign' of aligning my physical with my spirit and bringing it forth in a tangible sense. Sometimes the Lord just has me 'PRAISE' '/Sing a worship song/ melody' from within out. Sometimes I may even birth forth the word by actually doing a physical prophetic act as the Lord is asking or leading me to do. Sometimes he may even bring me into a deep deep level of compassion / travail/ groaning and then through the tears, the peace comes and I know something has been birthed. Other times it may be through dancing or walking laps around the yard - whatever it is, the LORD HIMSELF will lead and show you how to birth forth the word/seed that He has given you. It is important to 'Only do what you see him do and speak what you see him speak' (John 5:19).

I truly believe that as we move closer towards the Earthly celebration of Christmas, Yahweh is also encouraging us all to be 'Mary's, to Birth forth Jesus who is the Word/Promise/Seed within our hearts and spirit wombs. In fact this is the season to be MARY, to be willing to receive the Words of Yahweh and to be ready to Birth Forth the words of Yahweh into this tangible realm.

And just as an encouragement or heads up, be READY because the Lord may even have you Receive, House and Birth a Word/Seed/Promise all in the same day, hour, minute, week, month, whatever time frame He chooses. Just be WILLING and Able to be a MARY. Leave the rest up to Him and follow His Lead.

Amen! Exciting Times!

Be blessed,


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