Isn't it crazy the times that we are living in? So much evil everywhere and it often seems overwhelming. Its almost as though everywhere you look and turn, evil is on the rise. Many prophetic voices have been saying the same thing, proclaiming the same message that 'Shaking' is happening and that things will get harder.
As a believer in Jesus though, we have hope in Him and in knowing His promises for us in this tumultuous season we are living in. One thing I know for certain, We cannot allow Fear to even come near our dwelling. "FEAR " IS A PLAGUE! And the Bible promises us in his word that 'NO PLAGUE SHALL COME NEAR OUR DWELLING'. It says so in
Psalm 91:10 - 11:
"There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways!"
There is always Hope in Jesus Christ, in our solid rock and our firm foundation. Several weeks ago, I believe my Lord gave several strategies for us believers to grasp and learn to use in this season we are in and that which we are all entering into.
During a prayer call I saw in a vision, two very high cliffs that were seperated in the middle. From off the cliffs I saw an image of a very large bird with very very large wings and the bird flew off the cliffs. The only word that came as this vision was playing was the word "ALBATROSS".
The Lord then led me to research on this amazing bird - the ALBATROSS. Why was the Lord having me research this bird and why did I have this vision? I believe He was showing me strategy for the body of Christ, for the Bride of Christ, for us believers!
The Albatross is an amazing bird and after a little research, I found several interesting facts about this bird:
a) The Albatross Bird - can often go years without touching land. This means they are in constant flight/ soaring mode.
b) The Albatross Bird - can be in constant flight mode or constantly soar without flapping its wings, because it uses a 'Strategy' called "DYNAMIC SOARING" in which the Albatross harnesses the energy of the wind to soar!
c) The Albatross Bird - has the largest wingspan of birds - 12 ft wingspan!
d) The Albatross Bird - mates for life.
Isn't this an amazing bird so far? Although there are many other cool facts about this bird, I believe for purposes of this blog, I believe the Lord was really highlighting to me the above traits or characters of the Albatross bird for us in this season.
After taking the research I had done back to the Lord in prayer, I started getting more and more revelation on why the Lord showed me the Albatross bird and what its significance is to us as believers.
Firstly, I believe the Lord is saying this is the season when He is wanting us to "Be like the Albatross"! This is the season of the "Albatross"! We are the "ALBATROSS Bird!" I believe the Lord is saying He will train and teach us how to be like the 'ALBATROSS' Bird in this season. This is the strategy I believe the Lord is showing us His Church in this season.
We must SOAR from ABOVE without touching the Earth! Just like the Albatross, we too must SOAR without coming down to the earth realm and touching it. The Bible says that God raised us up together and made us sit together with Christ in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6 ; Colossians 3:1,3). We are SEATED where???? In IN CHRIST JESUS IN HEAVENLY PLACES! NOT EARTHLY PLACES but HEAVENLY PLACES!! If we are seated above, we should SOAR FROM ABOVE TOO! Just like the Albatross who soars from a high place without touching the Earth, we too have to grasp the truth of Soaring from above. This means we must be constantly 'SETTING OUR AFFECTIONS ON THINGS ABOVE NOT ON THINGS ON THE EARTH' (Colossians 3:2). Stop looking at WHATS happening Earth bound. Stop being caught up with the Earthly affairs that is going on. Plagues, evil, crime, lack, sickness, depression, poverty, etc, these are ALL EARTHLY BOUND THINGS! They have NO PLACE up ABOVE where WE SOAR, where we SIT WITH CHRIST JESUS IN GOD IN HEAVENLY PLACES! (Colossians 3:3). Let Jesus teach us how to SOAR CONTINUOUSLY like the Albatross without TOUCHING the Earth Realm, without getting consumed with the Earthly realm and all its troubles and affairs. Lets keep our VISION FOCUSSSED ABOVE where we can SOAR into greeter heights in Christ and with Christ Jesus. We are able to 'SEE' the Earth from where we soar high above, like the Albatross, but we should not be consumed with the Earthly affairs. The Albatross bird soars high to stay clear of predators such as sharks in the ocean. Likewise, when WE SOAR above, we should not be consumed with Earthly affairs or troubled by them because they can consume us and even bring bring death in areas of our spiritual lives. Soooo, LETS SOAR like the ALBATROSS BIRDS and ALLOW JESUS TO TEACH US TO DO SO IN THIS SEASON!
2. Strategy is Dynamic Soaring - The Albatross can soar over 500 miles in a day and maintain speeds of nearly 80mph for around eight hours straight without having to flap its wings! Isn't that crazy!!? What is the birds secret to doing this? Its known as Dynamic Soaring where the Albatross harnesses the energy of the wind to soar by locking its elbow joints. This enables the bird to keep its wings extended for long periods of time with no energy cost from its muscles.
Now what does this have to do with us believers you ask? Simple. As believers in Jesus in this season, He is showing us that we are to KNOW WHO WE ARE IN HIM. When we SOAR from ABOVE, without being consumed with the affairs or troubles of the earth, we must do so with this DYNAMIC SOARING STRATEGY! Just like the bird who harnesses its energy from the wind, we too must harness our strength and power from the wind which is the HOLY SPIRIT! The Holy Spirit has the secret to KEEPING US SOARING ABOVE WITHOUT TOUCHING THE EARTH REALM!
We must CHOOSE to actively draw from the Holy Spirit in his fullness and power. What does this look like? Well, I believe the Holy Spirit in this hour wants us to walk or in this case SOAR in his fullness, which is his entirety! The fullness of the Holy Spirit in this season includes Isaiah 11:2 -
"And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD." (Isaiah 11:2)
The Holy Spirit in his fullness is showing us that His fullness is available to US ALL as believers in Jesus Christ! This is the hour when the Lord said He will pour out His Spirit on ALL FLESH! (Joel 2:28). And his spirit in fullness includes, I believe, Isaiah 11:2! If we are hungry enough for this, we will seek the face of our Lord and seek his kingdom until we receive this fullness of the Spirit.
The fullness of Isaiah 11:2 is available for you and I as believers in Christ Jesus, and is the fullness of the Holy Spirit, without him in his fullness, I believe we won't be reaching our full potential in Christ and what and who he created us to be. So lets not stop seeking, praying without ceasing and asking our Heavenly Father for the fullness of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to teach us and show us how to harness this fullness and use it to soar in the realm above, the kingdom of God realm, the realm of His Spirit! Think about it for a second. What the Lord can do in and through us through the fullness of his precious Holy Spirit! Yes Lord! Be it so!
3. The Albatross has the largest wingspan - 12ft! This is crazy! Imagine coming face to face with such a majestic large winged bird like the Albatross! Their wingspan is 12 ft which to me is very significant for us whom the Lord is calling to be like the Albatross in this season. See, the number 12 is very significant and from scripture we can see its a number that also has significance. We see this number 12 in the 12 tribes of Israel in the Old testament, then we see in the New testament Jesus had 12 very close friends whom he called disciples. Could it be that perhaps this number 12 has something to do with the Government of Heaven, the Government of the Lord, the authority that He has? I believe it does. There is something about soaring with and in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and exercising the authority and government of Christ Jesus, as HE SEES fit, to the earth, to situations, to people, nations, creation, etc. But this can only happen when we are first IN THE SPIRIT and harnessing the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Like the Albatross, we NEED the HOLY SPIRIT WIND to push us into FLIGHT AND SOARING MODE! The Albatross needs the energy of the wind to go into strategic dynamic soaring mode. Likewise, we need the HOLY SPIRIT SUPER POWER AND FULLNESS to TAKE US INTO HEIGHTS AND USE US IN WAYS WE CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE FOR HIS KINGDOM PURPOSES TO BE FULLFILLED! Then and only then, can we begin to exercise the power and authority and government of the Lords Kingdom.
4. The Albatross mates for life - This is interesting because the Albatross is said to have a special mate for life. To me this talks about a special bond, a relationship like no other. And if birds can do it, and in particular the Albatross bird, then God is saying YOU TOO MY PEOPLE MUST have A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH ME FOR LIFE! God is seeking our hearts, our relationship. He wants intimacy like no other. He is an intimate God who loves to have relationship and fellowship with his children! Wow! Just saying this makes my heart smile and happy! The King of kings, and Lord of lords, the creator of the universe who knows every hair on our heads and knows every star in the sky and calls them all by name wants to have an intimate close relationship with you and I!!! He seeks us for a relationship and fellowship! He loves when we have that one on one Jesus time together with Him! He created us for such! So if He created us for such, then why not allow Him to have that?? Lets give him that special place above everything and everyone else. Lets give him that relationship that we long for. Lets make it a lifelong thing just like our dear friend the Albatross!
Sooooo, this is the season where I believe the Lord is showing and teaching us to be like the ALBATROSS Bird in many ways. Are you up for it? I am. I want this! I desire to be like this as He is teaching me daily the ins and outs of it. I'm definitely NOT THERE yet, but I am willing to learn from the Master and teacher as he teaches me the traits of this strategic bird for this season!
Let us pray together if you desire this:
"Our loving Father, precious Jesus and sweet sweet Holy Spirit, We come to you in Jesus Name and ask you Father that you search our hearts and our minds and examine our ways Lord. If there is anything that is in us that is grieving you and that is wicked, we repent right now and ask in Jesus Name for your forgiveness.
Thankyou Loving Father, we ask that by your grace and your mercy, you will teach us how to be like the Albatross Bird in this hour. We say YES LORD to you teaching us and leading us in this and showing us how to Soar like the Albatross in this season. We yield to your teaching and your guidance in this. We ask Dear Heavenly Father for the fullness of your Holy Spirit to be poured upon us. We ask for Isaiah 11:2 to be graciously poured out upon us and we thankyou that your Holy Spirit is freely given to us. Help us Lord to walk in this, to run in this, to fly in this and to SOAR in this Lord.
We love you and thankyou for more strategy that you will give us. May your NAME alone JESUS be glorified!
In Jesus Name we pray,
Love and Blessings fellow Albatrosses!!!