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Ever read Genesis 1;28 and wondered HOW God blessed mankind? The Lord gave me this word a couple of days ago in Genesis 1:28 and had me in there for a while.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:28 KJV)

28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”(Genesis 1:28 NIV)

If you read a few verses before this one, you see how God created 'mankind' in His OWN image. In His own image God created mankind 'male' and 'female'. You can read this here.

After creating mankind, God then BLESSED them.

Now this is crazy cool kind of realization and revelation that the Lord brought to me (of course take it to God and judge it for yourself).

  1. WE were ALL CREATED in HIM before any of us existed on this physical Earth!

  2. WE were ALL BLESSED by GOD after he created us!

Now in this blog, I won't cover the first part of the revelation but I will do that in a later write-up. I believe the Lord just really wanted me to share on the second part of His revelation to me and that is that 'WE WERE ALL BLESSED BY GOD in this very beginning in Genesis 1:28! Ain't that something??! Goodness I was excited and am excited about this!

So listen, when God blessed mankind and gave them the command to be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the Earth and subdue it etc, did you ever ask yourself how he did it? Did he just say the WORDS 'I BLESS' you!? Well I don't know if you have ever pondered on that but I have and I did ponder on it. I have kind of come to the place where I would like to 'see' and know the 'HOW TO's ' of a verse or a word in scripture or even just the make up of it! And I guess to me, that is like getting a plate of food and cutting up the meat or bread and eating bite size pieces instead of swallowing the meal down whole! lol. But anyway, a little bit of a rabbit trail there.

Ok, back to the 'HOW' did God bless mankind, and 'WHAT' was this Great Blessing! Oh by the way, if you read Genesis1, you realize that Genesis 1:28 was the FIRST MENTION of Gods First BLESSING TO MANKIND??!! He first blessed the 'living creatures' he created as mentioned in Genesis 1:20-22 but the FIRST BLESSING to MANKIND - TO US WHO HAVE BEEN CREATED IN 'GODS' OWN IMAGE, was done AFTER HE CREATED MANKIND in Genesis 1:28! WOWWW! Ya'll, that is special! We GOT GODS FIRST BLESSING! NOT some left over blessing or second or third blessing, but WE AS MANKIND CREATED IN HIS IMAGE, we got the CREATORS BLESSING! Doesn't that make you excited and humbled and THANKFUL?? Help us Lord to see this in light of WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU MADE US TO BE.

So mankind got their first blessing back in the beginning! But what exactly was that first blessing all about? See I asked the Lord that same question! And this is what I believe the Lord was speaking to me and showing me. This first blessing he BLESSED MANKIND WITH, is actually 'EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING IN HEAVENLY PLACES that WE NEED TO LIVE AND FUNCTION AS MANKIND CREATED IN HIS IMAGE!" Yes I said it - 'EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING'! Now wait a minute, but what about the 'physical blessings' you ask. Well that flows from a place of UNDERSTANDING and walking in the 'spiritual blessings' and from knowing who you are as being created in the IMAGE of GOD! (there is so much more in this but I will not go into detail here, although it is crazy cool too!)

Listen, God BLESSED us (MANKIND) with 'EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS' in Heavenly Places when he created mankind in His Image! YES, Ephesians 1:3 comes ALIVE right in the Beginning! It existed right in the beginning! Paul wrote about it years later, but HOW did he know about it? Hmmm, well perhaps could it be that it is BECAUSE HE WAS CREATED IN THE BEGINNING, AND GIVEN THIS BLESSING 'IN THE BEGINNING'!!!? Could it be that Paul also 'realized this truth' about 'Mankind's First Blessing'? I mean, I'm just saying ya'll! Besides, even Paul himself stated in Ephesians 1:4,"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:"

Which is clear in itself that even Paul KNEW this truth that God chose us IN HIM before the foundation of the world (so even before the tangible earth and heavens, WE WERE IN CHRIST) and then we were CREATED in GODS IMAGE and BLESSED BY THE CREATOR in the CREATION of the world, and then FLESHED out into this life!!! Sooooooo, Ephesians 1:3 was in existence in Genesis 1:28, in the very beginning! This is what Ephesians 1:3 says:

"3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: (Ephesians 1:3)"

Guys, this is our (mankind) BLESSING! This is our (mankind) PROMISE! This is what God BLESSED us with when he created us in the beginning! When He created mankind, and BLESSED THEM (as Genesis 1:28 says), HE BLESSED THEM (us) with "EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS IN HEAVENLY PLACES!!!" Thankyou LORDDD!! This means that we ALREADY HAVE ALL THE SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS IN US because WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN THEM WHEN YAHWEH BLESSED US after He created us!

Well what does that mean? To me, it means that THIS Blessing that God blessed us with is like a 'SEED' if you will, that has been placed in us! Now it is up to us, to grow and choose to walk in the fruit of this seed or birth it forth! (again, there is more here that I will touch on later).

So, back to the beginning, back to Genesis 1:28. When I sat with this word and just conversed with the Lord on it, I was curious as to HOW the Lord released that 'FIRST BLESSING' upon mankind. Then the Lord brought me to Jeremiah 1. In the story of Jeremiah, he kind of tries to reason with God that he is 'only a child' and can't really be a prophet to the nations as God had told him so (Jeremiah 1:4-6) But God told Jeremiah NOT to say that and then proceeded to tell Jeremiah what He would do through him. In verse 9, we read this:

9 Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.(Jeremiah 1:9).

The Lord TOUCHED Jeremiahs mouth with HIS HAND!!!! And when the Lord touched Jeremiahs mouth, He released HIS WORDS into Jeremiahs mouth!!! Basically the Lord BLESSED JEREMIAH with His WORDS!

This is what the Lord showed me: The same way He touched Jeremiahs mouth with HIS HAND IS THE SAME WAY IN WHICH GOD ALSO GAVE THE FIRST BLESSING TO MANKIND in Genesis 1:28! His HAND released the BLESSING upon mankind planting in mankind a 'SEED OF BLESSING'! And this blessing is that 'WE ARE BLESSED WITH EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS IN HEAVENLY PLACES!


Ok so we have this great FIRST BLESSING as mankind, or specifically YOU AND I. But what now? Well, its really a lot easier than we think.

  1. The first step is to of course come to salvation through faith by Grace as Ephesians 2:8-9 says.

  2. We must BELIEVE that we have been saved and are now a NEW CREATION IN CHRIST YESHUA (2 Corinthians 5:17)

  3. We must also BELIEVE that we have RECIEVED the promises of Ephesians 1:3 because we have been BLESSED by GOD when he created MANKIND in Genesis 1:28.

  4. We must learn to position ourselves from a place of being SEATED in HEAVENLY PLACES (Ephesians 2:6) because 'every spiritual blessing in heavenly places has been given to us'!

  5. We must train ourselves to walk by faith in BELIEVING the words and promises and BLESSINGS of Yahweh!

So to conclude, just know that YOU are special and unique and you were CREATED in the image of the creator Yahweh himself and have been given the GREATEST blessing by God, 'HAVING BLESSED YOU WITH EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS IN HEAVENLY PLACES!!"

Until next time,



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