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"Remove the Earwax"

In 1 Samuel 3:1-10 we read of a 'child', Samuel, who heard so clearly the voice of someone calling his name. In all three times when the Lord called Samuel by name, Samuel heard and responded and then took action.

As my sons and I were reading this story in our daily kids devotional book yesterday, I was picturing the young boy, Samuel, doing what he did in the verses that we read from. Here was a child who was ready for sleep, yet when the Lord called him, he could hear so clearly. He had sharpened hearing even as a child. Although he (Samuel) was a child he had perfect hearing so to speak.

As my sons and I were discussing this story and praying it over us, that the Lord would give us hearing like Samuel, the Lord brought this revelation to my spirit:

Children have almost perfect hearing, spiritual hearing, because they are innocent and of course they are children and their FAITH is great (no wonder the Lord says in His Word how we should receive the Kingdom as children do). And their hearing has not been tainted by the gunk and junk of this world. What does this mean? Well as we were reading this story of Samuel and praying afterwards, the Lord showed me that many times we adults (whether Christians or not) have our spiritual hearing dulled and cannot HEAR Gods voice speaking to us because of the 'spiritual ear wax' that is in our ear canals. And this "spiritual ear wax" comes from years of setting our 'ears' and tuning them into things that most times become gunk and junk and are of no benefit to building us up in our Faith and walk with Jesus or in our spiritual lives. The Lord showed me for instance that when we listen to things, whether music, or speeches, or engage in hearing conversations that are not clean, or just hearing gossip or backbiting, even coarse jokes or crude language or joking, even when we hear scripts from movie scenes that are obviously crude or where there is cussing, even things that we read about or think about, things that we may think are good for us etc, everything we allow to enter into our EARS AND HEARING, produces a build up of 'wax'! And frankly over time, when wax builds up, it sits comfortably in our ear canals and dulls or blocks us from hearing with CLARITY AND PERFECTLY, what God is speaking to us. Imagine that! Perhaps that's the reason why many times we are wondering WHY GOD is not speaking or what exactly is He saying to me. Perhaps that's the reason we think HE is not speaking because we haven't heard him. But truth is, HE IS SPEAKING, we just cannot hear because we have too much 'wax' in our ears!

So once this revelation came, the Lord had me repent for setting my 'ears' upon all the junk and gunk of this world and for all those times I have used my ears to entertain all the garbage whether knowingly or unknowingly. And this means just by the confession of our mouths and believing that it is done in our hearts.

Then the Lord had me pray for sanctification of my Ears and hearing and for him to remove all that gunk and junk of ear wax and for NEW hearing and for Him to bless it and to protect it.

Whats more, is that the Lord had me do this for my 'eyes' and 'seeing' as well. And for a sanctification of our eyes and seeing and also all the other senses (the five senses - spiritual senses and physical too) as well too.

Remove the Wax, Sanctify your Hearing

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