Hmmm, let me just 'skip' over that scene or 'fast forward that part of the movie or the TV series and the rest should be ok. This may be the usual line of thought that many 'Christians' (myself included) default to when watching movies or listening to music, or watching you tube videos, or favorite tv shows, etc. But truth is, 'just skipping over ' or 'fast forwarding' or even 'pausing' those parts of entertainment that we 'believe is bad' (per se) doesn't really cut it. Well why not, you ask. You're probably thinking, there's nothing wrong, I'm not actively setting my eyes on unwholesome images or tuning my ear into unwholesome talk or music, so what is the big deal?
The big deal is simply this:
The Word of God is clear on this point. ABSTAIN from it - STAY AWAY from it! This to me is a direct COMMAND the Lord is giving us. Which can only mean that failure to obey or do what it says will lead to some form of consequence for us.
Let me bring this in closer. I was watching a 90's television series, kind of old school and nerdy. I had formed the opinion that because it was the 90's and a young kids centered series, there would be no harm in it. But throughout the episode, the Holy Spirit (who was obviously with me watching as well) would show me the 'spirits' operating behind certain scenes. For instance, there was a scene where the Holy spirit clearly showed me was 'necromancy'. Then there was another scene in which the Holy Spirit told me was the 'spirit of lust and affair/immorality'. Then there was yet another scene where the Holy Spirit showed was a 'spirit of division causing discord and disunity' in family unit. Every time the Holy Spirit would show me these 'spirits or forces' behind the story line or the scenes in the episode, I would just 'skip' to the next part of the episode or 'fast forward' to the next part of the episode.
Then at the end of this 20 minute episode, it hit me. The Holy Spirit was trying to get my attention all along. Why? Because He was helping me guard my 'eye gates' and my 'ear gates' and my 'heart' , my entire being in fact! He was protecting me! See, when we set our eyes on these things, or open our ears to those conversations, YES EVEN IN MOVIES and tv series, we are opening ourselves to and giving permission and legal right for whatever that is lurking behind the 'scenes' to have access into our lives! Its that simple! Just like when you open the door for someone to come in to your house right? Same thing when we set our eye gates or ear gates , or any other part of our gates on things like movies, tv series, music, news, etc, we are opening DOORWAYS for ourselves to RECEIVE information and whatever else is behind that information. And with or without realizing it, these things can take seed in our hearts and then grow and bear fruit in us.
So back to my story, after the end of the 20 minutes and when I realized that I was being taught by the Holy Spirit, I felt a gentle conviction of the Holy Spirit, just slowly nudging me to say He was only trying to protect me and my 'DOORWAYS/GATEWAYS'. Of course I had to come to a place of repentance but then the Lord spoke this on a whole bigger scale.
In a nutshell He was showing and telling me that this is the State of the Church today! That many times, the Church, His CHURCH, simply 'skips over' or 'fast forwards' instead of pressing STOP completely! That the Church is entertaining the 'appearance of EVIL' instead of 'ABSTAINING FROM IT as the Word of God clearly says in 1 Thesalonians 5:22!
We the Church have been playing with the world if you may! We have been accepting and entertaining 'appearances of evil' that we have defaulted to the 'skip and fast forward buttons' like those on a tv remote. AND THIS the Lord does not like.
I believe He is speaking loud yet gentle trying to get our attention of whats really happening in the Church. And only those who HAVE EARS WILL HEAR what He is saying.