On Sunday May 10 2020, the world celebrated Mother's Day. Of course the world celebrates it with gift giving and meals or cards and flowers and just taking the day to appreciate the women who carried us for 9 months, nursed us, cared for us and raised us. For some, these may be your biological mothers, for others it may be those special women who took on this role when there was no biological mom, and for others yet, it may be those other special women who have taken you under their wings as their own to care for you like their own, just like your momma would. Whatever the reason though, everyone gets to be in the spirit of appreciation and love (or at least most people) during this time.
Waking up that day, it felt kind of different. I knew the world would be celebrating Mother's Day, and for some reason I didn't really feel in the mood for myself, for my family to be celebrating 'ME'. I mean of course i would appreciate my mom on this day and all, maybe the usual family gathering and big meals, but something for me was just not feeling it. I wanted deep down to know WHY we celebrate Moms, or more than this I wanted to know what this day meant to GOD, if anything. So I did what I know to do and took off on a walk with Jesus to chat with him on this. I talk to him like I would to a friend so I just posed the question and asked him what he thinks of Mothers Day. I wasn't really expecting the answer He gave, but it was the most beautiful thing ever. This is what He spoke (in my spirit):
"A mother/mom is not like in the natural where she has children, but is ONE who can:
(1) Receive / Conceive the WORD OF GOD into her Spirit womb;
(2) Nurture this word and CARRY IT TO FULL TERM; and
(3) BIRTH THIS WORD into manifestation/reality in the natural!
There are NOT TOO MANY of these in the world!
The physical children are just the FRUIT/ BLESSING or REWARD for these 'True Mother's.
I was of course blown away by this revelation and word. Truly changed my perspective of Mother's Day and how I will celebrate. God has given something special to us all. For me as a woman, in the natural I have the motherly instincts, the motherly care for my children, the soft mother's touch, the nurturing and cuddling and caring, the way only a momma can. I have in the natural a 'womb' where my children were housed and cared for until full term and they were birthed. But even more special is the fact that God chooses to give us (everyone) promises in His WORD that will and can change our lives, our circumstances, our everything. The responsibility is on us and many times we don't really grasp this the way we should. When God SPEAKS a word to us it us up to us to do several things:
(1) RECEIVE THE WORD - literally receive the word, and thank Him for it and say I RECEIVE IT LORD! What you are doing is bringing this word and letting it be conceived in your spirit womb - like a SEED or a baby;
(2) NURTURE THE WORD - then it is up to us to take care of this word and nurture it - how you say? Through prayer, thanksgiving, declarations, as the HOLY SPIRIT leads you, do it.
(3) BIRTH THE WORD - the Word will be birthed in the fullness of its time and that time is appointed by GOD! So when HIS APPOINTED TIME for the promise of this word to come to manifestation in your life is right, then YOU have TO BIRTH THE WORD! Just like a mom giving birth and feeling the birth pangs and sometimes the pain, so you and I must press on, even when the circumstances are seemingly impossible or we feel that we CAN"T DO IT anymore. Press on because God will not bring something to BIRTH and then Close up the womb without it being birthed (Isaiah 66:9 - 'Shall I bring to birth and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth and shut the womb? saith thy GOD kjv).
God is after our hearts and seeking relationship with us - true genuine heart to heart relationships. We are His, the works of His hands. He longs to bless us and shower us with love and blessings. But its not a one way thing ya'll. WE also have to do our part to see His WORD become manifest in our lives.
I am reminded of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She being our classic role mode, humble in heart, and spirit, RECEIVED the WORD of the Lord through Gabriel the angel; Carried this WORD (who we know is JESUS - John 1:14 - And the Word was made flesh...") until full term or the time was right; then BIRTHED THE WORD (when Jesus was BORN)! Mary was a 'true mother'! And of course there are other great and 'true mothers' in the Bible too! But what an honor it is to be able to partner with GOD to see HIS WORD become FLESH - come ALIVE here and now!