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"Begin with Now"

As i sit here, clock ticking towards midnight, i am wrecking my brain on what this first blog should be about. And as i ponder on this lingering thought for a while, i hear my husbands' words ring through my thoughts, "there is no better time than now". Then i hear my own words in my thoughts looking for the million and one excuses to form into words that will eventually come pouring out of my mouth as to 'WHY' i cant do what i can do in the 'NOW'.

You see i've figured that many times i have an idea to do or start something, whether it is, as simple as taking my kids to the Dollar Shop today, or as hard as going to the gym or working out (yes thats me - a couch potatoe hence why its 'hard' :) or starting that one overdue and way overdue sewing or art project that has become a breeding ground for dust and cobwebs. Whatever it is though we all have the choice to step to the plate and do it when we have the urge to do it, or to wrap it up for another more 'doable' day - which is 'later' or 'tomorrow' or maybe in two weeks time or 'i'll start when...', or ' yeah not right now because...',..

I sit back and remember the countless times i've woken up and decided today i will start on a blog, and then as time ticks and toks away, i am met with other things, other issues, other life haps, and then before i know it, the days a wrap and i find myself wondering the 'if only i ...' or 'i should have...' etc. and i get bummed out because i hadn't done what i had said i'd do.

So for me, the NOW is all about BEGINNING NOW, this minute, this second, this breath- NOW!.

I chose to write on a blog because hey i guess words flow freely and i love that my only audience at time of writing is the screen and the letters that are being typed into the blank sheet and i guess more importantly because i've had this idea for donkey number of days to do so (like a bad itch that won't go away). But even more importantly than all that is that, i just want to be able to share through an avenue like this, all the crazy cool, sweet, sour and tangy, life happenings that I or we (including my family) have walked through with Jesus.

Lets face it, life is sweet with Jesus! No DOUBT! but there can be some sour times too - all the trials and tribulations and hardships we face even in the simple mundane everyday tasks that can literally put a sour taste in our mouths.

And then there are those times when life seems unbearable for a bit, then it feels great, then it feels down, then up again; you're on the mountain top and then you're in the valley; you're cold and then you' re hot; you're on and then you're off- yes those are tangy because they are the bitter-sweet in life! But through all these phases in lifes journey with JESUS, one thing we KNOW FOR A FACT IS THAT HE IS the ONLY EVER CONSTANT FACTOR! Hey even His WORD backs that up - "HE IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER" (Hebrews 13:8)

So just like each day is a blank sheet and we all have to write our own stories for that day as it goes by, so i hope that each blog will be a story painting a picture of lessons and experiences and life haps of what God HAS DONE, IS DOING and WILL DO!!

I hope you get blessed and encouraged through the pages of each blog and i pray we will all continue to run the race aiming for the finish line because 'SOON is the return of our King JESUS! So let the bride prepare herself without hesitation!"

Stay tuned for more posts to come!

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